Wednesday, October 17, 2007

An invitation for you all...

Roper posted on his blog ( a concept I found quite interesting. It's called the de-lurk. I'd never heard of it before. Basically, the author knows that there are people who read their blog but don't necessarily comment. And this is where those people who 'lurk' are invited to comment, even if it is just to say hello. I welcome all readers to do the same here. Your comments will be much appreciated.



  1. Anonymous9:58 am

    hi lucy. i'm not a lurker but i thought i'd say hi anyway. this isn't the first time i've checked in at your blog. i hope you are well... thanks for all the supportive commenting. :)

  2. i guess i am a lurker lucy...i am not sure if i ever commented here before but i read you often. consider me de-lurked. :)

  3. Persephone & Pixiepie,
    Thank you. I was starting to wonder if any actually read my blog lol. It's good to know that someone(s) is/are reading what I write. Persephone - you're welcome regarding the positive comments I've been making.
    And Pixiepie - thank you for de-lurking.

    I hope you both comment more often.



Please leave a comment. Constructive criticism welcome, flames ignored.