I find it quite interesting that I have an adult blog which I have discussed and posted my thoughts on many subjects. I feel free to discuss such things as: my submission to my Master, His control over me, anal sex, fisting, my fantasies, spanking, discipline, pissing etc. However, there are some topics that even for me, someone who considers herself very open to new possibilities and very open-minded, I think twice about posting about. I even thought twice before admitting about our masturbation lifestyle.
In today’s society, where fetishes are becoming more and more accepted, I still think twice before posting on some topics. But why, when sexual practices are less taboo than they used to be, do I hesitate on sharing my thoughts about some things? Because even though we have become more accepting towards others and their ‘interests’, some topics, I feel, are still off limits, and that I might be judged in a negative manner should I talk openly about them. None the less, that’s what I’m about to do.
Two topics in particular that I still feel have negative connotations are animal sex, and female body hair. Let these two topics sink in, and think about how you feel about them. Is it negatively or positively?
Maybe they don’t interest you, maybe they turn you on, and maybe they repulse you. But these are two topics that I could have posted about many times and haven’t. And I haven’t because honestly, I worry that I might get negative comments about what I say or that what I say would turn some readers away from coming back and reading my blog. Sure I could delete the comments (which I don’t want to do) or not write about them (which I have been doing), but I think today is as good a day as any to change that.
I’m not saying that I’ve had sex with animals, but it is a fantasy of mine. Whether I act on this or not in the future is irrelevant, because up until this point I haven’t felt comfortable admitting here that this is one of my fantasies and something that does turn me on. I’m not talking about animals in general or saying that I want to try having sex with as many male animals as I can, but I do fantasise about having sex with dogs and to a lesser extent horses. That’s as far as it goes with me, but everyone is different and I’m sure there are others out there that would want to try it with more than just a dog or a horse, and that’s cool.
Now onto female body hair, the other topic that I haven’t felt comfortable discussing here before now. We as women are taught from a young age that it is not beautiful or feminine to be sporting hairy armpits, legs, or facial hair. This is what razors are for, to get rid of that unsightly hair and thus be more appealing to the opposite sex.
Now I’m not a big one for facial hair on women, and I don’t have to worry about this, but there are women out there who do. It is their choice as to whether they keep this or get remove it, and I support their decision. The same goes for armpit and leg hairs as far as I’m concerned. It is a woman’s personal choice if she wants to keep it or remove it.
For me, I’m not being lazy when I don’t shave my legs. It’s a chore for me. I can’t see much clearly without my glasses unless it’s within a few inches of my face. This makes shaving my legs a tiresome task with spots always missed. Sure when I was just hitting puberty the idea of finally being able to shave my legs was exciting, but back then I could see more than I can now, and I bought into the media’s idea of what beauty is determined by. Now on the other hand, it’s a different story.
I’m not a tree-hugging hippy feminist and I don’t burn my bras, but I prefer to have hair on my legs. Yes I do shave, but far infrequently than I’m told I should. I always used to shave my legs before Master came to visit, because I didn’t want him to see me as not being feminine enough. Now I don’t. Why? Well, yes it’s my choice, but it’s also something He loves. Yes you read that right, He loves my legs being hairy. He would much prefer to touch my legs when they are covered in hairy growth than when I’ve just shaved them. Why? It’s a fetish of His, this is just who He is, and I couldn’t be more happy about that. I get to be me, and He loves me all the more for that.
I haven’t shaved my legs in almost 8 months, and yes I’ve been through Winter, Spring and Summer like this (and soon to be Autumn). I used to be self-conscious about wearing anything other than jeans or long pants that didn’t cover my hair. I would worry that people were staring at my legs, assuming I was some kind of hippy or feminist or both. And I’m not saying being either of those things is bad, it’s just not the reason for me not shaving my legs. So what about now? How am I now going out in public not having hair free legs? I do it and I wear shorts and skirts and people can see I have hairy legs, but I don’t care. I stand tall and true to myself, because this is me. And if they want to look and think negatively about me, then I say “Go right ahead”. What they think or feel doesn’t affect me. I am me and I will continue to be me.
Armpit hair I do have, although I don’t let it get too long. An inch is the longest it’s been (and some of you are probably reading this and thinking “An inch…and that’s not too long?”). I don’t grow it any longer because of personal hygiene reasons, and that’s my choice. How does He like it? I hear you ask. Well, He’s the one who encouraged me in the first place. I wasn’t opposed to it, but I wasn’t exactly for it either. How times have changed. My armpit hair and leg hair turns Him on, which in turn, turns me on. So here I am, saying it loud and proud that I am a hairy woman. Will I change my mind down the track? Possibly, but then again I may not. As long as we’re both happy, then that’s all that matters really. What other people think and feel about my body hair, as I said before is irrelevant. I will continue being true to myself until the day I die. After all, it’s me that has to live with it. And it certainly isn’t my job to keep everyone happy. I do what makes me happy period.